Monday, March 30, 2009


This is a response from Musicmedia10 on Youtube regarding my alerting him of the Milk and Coolaid gay bashing video:

Re: "For the Record -- Milk and Coolaid"

hey jack I knew Harvey.. and I worked on the film and I was pals with cleve when we were both boys hanging in the camera shop/ the film is more accurate than i expected -- not even the press in the 77 covered the fact that a boy committed suicide in Harvey's flat ,, even then that story was deep six-ed ,, so its cool to see it in Dustin's script Harvey was no hero - he was just a man who had a crew of college boys that made him look great.. I was one of those kids ,, but i was not a hot kid so i was in the back ground also good about the film is the fact that Dustin makes sure we know Harvey was a racist - calling his Latin pal "taco" and his Asian pals "lotus Blossom" he wasn't a hero - but i look up to the man and he changed my life. Vince.

This was my response to him:

I'm sorry I had to point it out to you, and usually I would turn a blind eye to such garbage instead of elevating it by giving it attention. We all know this type of thing is out there. However, this video struck me with a feeling like the first time I was called faggot in school. It really hit me, and I feel because this video is so "slick" and well produced it is a potentially dangerous elevation of hate speech to the mainstream level. One look at the comments gathered on this video, and it is easy to see the potential harm it can cause.

Thanks again for responding, and if there is ever anything I can help you with, please let me know.


Sunday, March 29, 2009

Luke Rudkowski Arrested by The NYPD!! 2/2

Attack of the free press. This is a threat to anyone who carries a video camera. Call Central Booking 212-374-3921.

Friday, March 27, 2009

For The Record : Milk and Kool-Aid

You cannot hide behind free speech while actively denying someone else their right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Hate speech is not protected by the first amendment -- this video is offensive, mean spirited and intended to revive public repression of gays and lesibians. Please call for Youtube to ban this video!!!!!!!!!