Thursday, January 22, 2009

Rahm Emanuel Describes the Civil Defense Corps.

According to Obama's Chief of Staff, Rahm Emanuel, the President will institute a new program, The Civil Defense Corps, in which ALL Americans, 18 to 25 will have to serve at least 3 months of service. Service will include a boot camp style program with education on what it means to be a "citizen" in the US.

This program reeks of the Hitler Youth, and violates our most basic freedoms of life, liberty and THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS. For myself, I'm too old to serve. However, my partner, isn't too old to serve. If this plan is enacted as Emanuel describes, my partner will have to leave our home and his job for 3 months for what sounds like reeducation training. That might sound a bit extreme, but the core or focus of this duty is, "to learn what it means to be an American through service."

I encourage those in this age group and all of our citizens show this administration that WE KNOW HOW TO BE AN AMERICAN and stand in protest to this tyrany. Today, there is no Civil Defense Corp. Today you still have your freedom. Contact your congressman today. You can call your congressman at by calling the congressional switch board at (202)-224-3121. This thing will still have to pass the House and the Senate to get ratified. Contact your congressman, tell them to VOTE NO on Obama's Civil Defense Corp.

If we let this slide we can wind up like this brave group of students in Munich who stood against Hitler in WWII -- THE WHITE ROSE.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Head in the Sand

Very cool, nver seen the helecopter's kinda like a woman who's husband has been cheating on her, but she doen't want to admit it to herself...she knows, but she won't allow herself to accept, because she just doesn't want to believe it's true...a person like that, you can't wake up...they want to stay asleep...

Thursday, January 8, 2009


...not when you read these headlines from the AP.

Melamine found in more U.S. infant formula

FDA believes minute contamination occurred during manufacturing.
The Food and Drug Administration says the industrial chemical melamine and a byproduct cyanuric acid have now been detected in four of 89 containers of infant formula made in the United States, doubling previously reported positive results.
The contamination is extremely minute, at levels federal regulators say are safe for babies. In November, The Associated Press reported previously undisclosed FDA tests, obtained under the Freedom of Information Act, showing that out of 77 containers of domestic infant formula tested, a can of milk-based liquid Nestle Good Start Supreme Infant Formula with Iron contained traces of melamine while Mead Johnson’s Enfamil LIPIL with Iron had traces of cyanuric acid.

The FDA has now updated its response to the AP’s FOIA request by posting results of 89 tests on its Web site. Those results show that two additional containers of Enfamil LIPIL with Iron had traces of cyanuric acid. Separately, a third major formula maker — Abbott Laboratories, whose brands include Similac — told AP in November that in-house tests had detected trace levels of melamine in its infant formula.Those levels were below what FDA found in the other formulas, an Abbott spokesman said, and below any national safety guidelines.

FDA tested 37 different Abbott Laboratories formulas and had no detections. Abbott Laboratories, Nestle and Mead Johnson make more than 90 percent of all infant formula produced in the United States. In addition to the Abbott formulas, the FDA tested five Nestle formulas, 21 Mead Johnson formulas and 26 products of a fourth company, PBM Products. Legal useMelamine at much higher levels was recently found to have contaminated milk products around the world and has been implicated in the sickening of nearly 300,000 babies in China and killing at least six infants there.

Melamine is rich in nitrogen, which registers as protein on many routine tests. Authorities say the melamine was added to Chinese formula to artificially boost its protein levels. The FDA and other experts said they believe the minute melamine contamination in U.S.-made formula had occurred during the manufacturing process, rather than intentionally. The U.S. government quietly began testing domestically produced infant formula in September, soon after problems with melamine-spiked formula surfaced in China.

No Chinese manufacturers of infant formula have met requirements to sell their product here, according to the FDA. Melamine can legally be used in some food packaging, and can rub off into food from there. It’s also part of a cleaning solution used on some food processing equipment.

Mead Johnson officials said the FDA had informed them of the test results and they were confident the levels of cyanuric acid are so low that they do not pose a health risk to infants. The company said it is considering changing the cleaning solutions it uses on its manufacturing equipment to reduce cyanuric acid contamination.

Though melamine is not believed harmful in tiny amounts, higher concentrations produce kidney stones, which can block the ducts that carry urine from the body, and in serious cases can cause kidney failure.

To date, here are the FDA results for detections in U.S.-made formula: Two samples tested from one can of Mead Johnson’s Infant Formula Powder, Enfamil LIPIL with Iron had cyanuric acid at levels of 0.412 and 0.31 parts per million; Three samples tested from one can of Mead Johnson’s Infant Formula Powder, Enfamil LIPIL with Iron had cyanuric acid at levels of 0.304, 0.406 and 0.248 parts per million; Three samples tested from one can of Mead Johnson’s Infant Formula Powder, Enfamil LIPIL with Iron had cyanuric acid at levels of 0.247, 0.245 and 0.249 parts per million;

Two samples from a can of Nestle’s Good Start Supreme Infant Formula with Iron detected melamine at levels of 0.137 and 0.14 parts per million. Before the contamination was disclosed, federal food regulators had said they were unable to set a safety threshold for melamine in infant formula. After the news reports, however, the agency set a threshold of 1 part per million of melamine in formula, provided a related chemical, including cyanuric acid, is not present. None of the formula has tested above that threshold.

Since the massive pet food recall in March 2007, worries about melamine contamination have escalated. Click on the topics to learn more about the chemical and its effect on animals and humans.It was recently revealed that China has been regularly adding melamine to human food and animal feed to make the products appear to have a higher level of protein.

The U.S. does not permit melamine to be used as a food product and the addition of the chemical to food is not approved by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, the World Health Organization or any national authorities.The popular White Rabbit candy is one of many food products found to be tainted with melamine.Scientists aren’t sure exactly how long it takes for humans to eliminate melamine, but animal studies suggest that excretion happens fairly quickly.

According to the CDC, pigs eliminated half of the melamine they consumed in just four hours, while it took rats three hours.Melamine’s effects on humans haven’t been studied, but according to the CDC, animal studies have shown that exposure to low levels of melamine produced no observable toxic effects. However, exposure to high levels, or lower doses combined with other chemicals, can cause urinary tract problems as well as kidney stones and kidney failure in test animals. WHO notes that when melamine is combined with cyanuric acid (a feed additive that is also found in bleaches, disinfectants and herbicides), it can form crystals that may lead to kidney stones. The crystals may also potentially stop the production of urine, which could lead to kidney failure and death.

A carcinogenic effect has also been seen in animals that were exposed to high levels of melamine over prolonged periods, although WHO notes that there is currently not enough evidence to make a judgment on the cancer risk in humans.

Thousands of pets were sickened and many more died from consuming the tainted pet food in 2007. In addition, a reported 54,000 Chinese babies were sickened from consuming tainted milk powder in 2008. At least four died, and many more were hospitalized with kidney problems.If melamine poisoning is suspected, the most important thing to do is to stop any potential ongoing exposure.

Medical professionals can run specific labs and imaging studies based on symptoms to evaluate kidney function and possible urinary stones.

Signs of melamine poisoning in humans include irritability, vomiting, fever, stomach pain, blood in urine, little or no urine, signs of kidney infection and high blood pressure.

Various types of treatment are available and depend on the severity of the effects on the kidneys. They may include infusion of fluids, correction of electrolyte and acid-based disturbance, dialysis or surgical removal of kidney stones. Signs of melamine poisoning in pets include vomiting, lethargy and extreme thirst. If an animal exhibits any of these symptoms, it should be taken to a vet immediately.