Thursday, January 22, 2009

Rahm Emanuel Describes the Civil Defense Corps.

According to Obama's Chief of Staff, Rahm Emanuel, the President will institute a new program, The Civil Defense Corps, in which ALL Americans, 18 to 25 will have to serve at least 3 months of service. Service will include a boot camp style program with education on what it means to be a "citizen" in the US.

This program reeks of the Hitler Youth, and violates our most basic freedoms of life, liberty and THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS. For myself, I'm too old to serve. However, my partner, isn't too old to serve. If this plan is enacted as Emanuel describes, my partner will have to leave our home and his job for 3 months for what sounds like reeducation training. That might sound a bit extreme, but the core or focus of this duty is, "to learn what it means to be an American through service."

I encourage those in this age group and all of our citizens show this administration that WE KNOW HOW TO BE AN AMERICAN and stand in protest to this tyrany. Today, there is no Civil Defense Corp. Today you still have your freedom. Contact your congressman today. You can call your congressman at by calling the congressional switch board at (202)-224-3121. This thing will still have to pass the House and the Senate to get ratified. Contact your congressman, tell them to VOTE NO on Obama's Civil Defense Corp.

If we let this slide we can wind up like this brave group of students in Munich who stood against Hitler in WWII -- THE WHITE ROSE.

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