Sunday, July 19, 2009

Illuminati, Music Industry and WHY MICHAEL JACKSON WAS KILLED - High Definition Part 2

Yes, the illuminati DID kill Michael Jackson. As you probably know, he was getting ready to begin a "come back" tour and was planning on performances all over the world. There is not enough time or space in this posting to go into all the details, but the same group of people bent on world domination for decades are getting ready to "seal the deal" on the world.

Michael was preparing to use his postion and influence to warn the entire world of what these people (the Rothschild, Rockafellers, the International Bank of Settlements, etc) are planning. In particular, their plans to drastically reduce the world's population by mass extermination through a program of forced "vaccinations" against the bogus swine flu.

Investigative journalist Jane Burgermeister just filed a complaint with the FBI against the UN and the WHO (world health organization) for among other things, conspiracy to commit mass's the full story:

There are some very sinister forces at work, and the people of the earth need to stand together to defeat them. These same monsters have manipulated nations into wars for centuries, in order that these same nations would be in a postion to need to borrow money thus plunging these nations (including ours) into deeper and deeper debt. This is a link to a video about the federal reserve and the international banking system and how it keeps the population enslaved:

Here too, is a clip which explains in layman's terms how the money/debt system keeps us enslaved:

Michael was EXTREMELY concerned with how the obsession with money destroyed people. He recognized that the pursuit of wealth served only the very top of the society and only sifles the creative powers of most people. He knew that his life was unusual and that most people are more concerned with making ends meet rather that devoting their minds, hearts, and spirits to creative achievement which could benefit ALL of human kind.

Michael's sudden cardiac arrest was brought on by an electrolyte embalance induced by administering a certain drug. I believe this was the work of the same forces at work behind the scenes of international banking as well as the pharmaceutical compaies such as Baxter, who have a great deal to lose if someone as influential as Michael Jackson were allowed to inform the world of their plans.

God Bless you Michael, we will miss you.

email me at: with any comments.

Who else has the support, influence and following of hundreds of millions of people from all over the world, no political leaders. Not filth like them.

Robert an valerie bring up some good points, while details and exact causes may not be the actual one it is definitely worth looking into all sides. We know that there were conspiracies against him with the trials that were against him and in the 2005 trial - the accuser actually had a history of accusing others of the same crimes as we know. No one else is left in the world to actually make a change like Michael could have lead or inspired or influenced people to be a part of. And he always only ever wanted to make the world a better place for everyone. Things are not as simple or as they always seem in the world, there is so much wrong and 99.9% of people really have no idea of history and only absorb the nonsense that the education system, media, etc tells them to believe. Only many years later do they find snippets of truths in the media from time to time, (too lazy and apathetic to look for themselves) this is a general view and is true for many things though. An interesting book to read about Michael Jackson: Michael Jackson Conspiracy Foreword Tom Mesereau by Aphrodite Jones. Look it up and your views about him will be changed.

Also some of you will know Michael had converted to Islam several years ago now.

I totally agree with Robert. I think more people are having the courage to speak the truth and recognize the connections everytime a performer dies tragically. How many times do we have to see stars die mysteriously at certain times, like right before a movie comes out, and this case, right when Michael was about to make a comeback. They couldn't have that, especially since Michael had spoken out against monster controller Tommy Mottolla(Sony) before, and was trying to break out his mind prison that most actors and performers deal with in Hollywood. It's no doubt he genuinely wanted to help people and unite them through music. The entertainment industry is all government based Mkultra and the performers have to perform their perfect roles as slaves to that system while remaining silent about the agendas of the controllers. The woman are sex slaves, and the female is debased in their system. Blacks and minorities are debased too, and white people are used too, they are just not at the top of the hit list. They also have their own religion, and everything they do is ritual to manipulate energy and consciousness like Janet's unveiling by Timberlake during the superbowl which Justin was following orders under mind control. Where's Janet's career now? Michael is another casualty of a war going on behind the scenes that the public does not completely understand. Now, they'll make huge money off of him, just like Monroe, Presley, James Dean(who was well known for not wanting to go along with the program), Alliyah, Bruce and Brandon Lee, and so many others. We are all slaves to this system, Hollywood is just an illusion and front being run by real live devils who do intend on a tighter enslavement, but we're waking up. No matter what, they can't take away the love that people have for him, and how many lives his music positively affected globally, despite their agenda to use him. They have energy beams(pyschotronic warfare) and drugs to induce heart attacks, if that's how he really died. They can make any thing up they want of course. That clone doctor CIA agent has already come out and said it was drugs and he has warned the family this has happened. It's a bullshit. They do try to keep them hooked though to be under control like Marilyn and the whole gang then and now, so they won't wake up. You can't perform and be in shape like Michael's bodyguard had mentioned (he was in incredible shape) for a tour, and be that doped up. Michael was a perfectionist, that would only inhibit his physical abilities. They're going to blame it on that, just like Anna Nicole, her son, Heath Ledger, everyone who dies suddenly and mysteriously. How come all those old farts in the biz that all alcoholics and popping pills are still living, or die later in life. We've got to wake up and speak up for all of humanity, because this is war, and they always get away with lying and manipulating the masses through media, and it's got to end, whoever this people really are, if they are actual people.
3 weeks ago

yes, i completely 100% agree with robert, valerie and iceteq2001.
isnt it funny that obama didnt release an official statement? they usually do it when a massive star dies.

i think since MJ converted to islam, he probably refused to go along with these satanic worshipping global elite maniacs!
in his songs, there are some referenced about good and evil. and he said he never made a song that he didnt really mean. since MJ was as bigger star u could get, any revelation from him even slightly about the real power men behind scenes(the international bankers such as rothschild, rockefeller, warburg, schiff, etc) could expose the secret cabal working behind the scenes to usher in their world order in which they refer to it as the NEW WORLD ORDER! and what bullsh*t that he was in debt, he was getting $75 million per year, and the reason for doing the 50 concerts because he needed the money, what crap, he was doing it for other purposes. that is why he said it will be his last one ever, he needed to get the message across, even through hints in his songs.

so i think MJ didnt like what they were doing, so i think he converted to islam in like a show of support to it, otherwise there really is no reason to convert suddenly. they can easily cause heart attacks without leaving a trace, the russian KGB was masters at it, its called 1080 poison, now all secret services use it and probably even more advanced technology. of course u can get the autopsy guy working for the illuminati and just say nothing suspicious happened and the media can say nothing suspicious happened and story over. they can spin it however they want, and how they want us to believe what happened

heck just look at how a mass media operation on the fake evidence on the war in iraq happened, anything is possible. and for people knowing the real story behind JFK, and how he fought the bankers, know why the illuminati killed him, not the 'official' story of a lunatic redneck killed him. they killed JFK due to executive order 11110.

its funny how all media outlets are focusing on the negative aspects on MJ's life and all the experts coming into comment on his death in the media are also focusing on his negatives.

i knew right away, after hearing of how he died and how the media was covering the story, that there was sinister evil involved in his death. to the unsuspecting public that dont understand about the history of money, banking, the NWO, and illuminati, this was a normal death, but to the people that have researched the people behind the scenes and know how this world isnt as perfect as it seems, and what their plans are, u can tell the patterns of this are similar to 9-11 attacks, and the JFK killing.

MJ was too big an influential figure worldwide and if the elites didnt have him on their side, it was too big a risk to let him live.

unfortunately the real story will never come out as usual and the millions of ignorant people believeing the mind control media machine will fall to the pray of the dark angel these elites are worshipping.

to the wiser people, people like me, robert and valerie and iceteq2001 are conspircy nuts to them, but we know how this thing operates, and how they want to bring about their new world order as they call it.

they can fool billions of people, but there are still a few smart people that know whats really going on behind the scenes. i said obama would win the election even before he got nominated. it was easy to figure out as the same media pattern emerged on obama. u dont become a leader of a powerrful nation like USA or UK or france, germany, etc without heavy financial support from the international bankers(illuminati) and media manipulation to slowly gain support for the candidate and do the cunning business on election day.

this whole world for the last 300year(since about mid to late 1700's) has been a massive conspiracy. i mean the american founding fathers like jefferson and andrew jackson warned everyone about them. any influential person speaking out aginst the NWO will be silenced by any means possible.

unfortunately MJ was massively influential and he didnt go the way the illuminati wanted, so MJ had to be silenced.

By the way, the swine flu is another evil, its not real, the vaccines are the real killer. unfortuanely many millions of people will perish due to their ignorance and failure to understand the truth.

MJ, u are the greatest entertainer of all time and a person that fought for good, u will be missed, but they can never stop ur music!
one day u and the people fighting this evil will get their justice, it might take many years, perhaps many decades, but justice will come one day!


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